Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just Another Day in Utopia

Welcome to Nux’s Utopia, a place where almost all the widget in the world could be found which is a good thing if you are looking for new and cool widgets to fill in your blog but if you are not, you might wanna go grab yourself a Latte while you wait for her blog to load. Nux has been blogging since 2005 on Friendster and then on blogger but in another blog called “Something is happening” but for this review, we are going to look into this blog only. if the only thing you find interesting is sex and nudey pictures. I am sorry. You came to the wrong utopia , none here because this blog is for general audience. First thing if you have been following this blog like me, you will notice Nux’s LOVE TAGS and loves giving them too, so if you are not into doing tag, you better run far-far away from Nux before she comes and get you. Nux has a number of post on circulated emails which are pretty interesting; She loves her garden and she loves her fishes which is called fillet version # ( I lost count). Just one question why she name it fillet (sounds like she is going to eat them). And a warning to all, there is lots of food to be found in this blog, so you better read this blog on a full stomach. Can you imagine i had to go grab something from the fridge to munch on 3 times while doing this review...

As for the layout, besides having almost all the widgets in the world congregate in her blog and waiting for it to load is always a pain in the butt, I think the rest looks good to me . Your posts are nicely tagged. It is easily to move around and getting what you want in this blog is easy. So I guess the only thing I am going to complain is that your side bar is way far too long due to the amount of widget that you have which contribute to the slow loading time.

You know what, I do not need a long post to tell you about this blog, this is one of the few blogs that I read since I started blogging and have been reading ever since. Just slightly over a year of reading this blog I can tell you that Nux is one of the most down to earth blogger I have ever known. She takes joy and pleasure in the simplest things in life that we have taken for granted. Food like Old Change Kee Curry Puff (this was from her pevious blog), stamp collecting, school badges collecting (she is old school man, that rocks!!!) and even Toong Fong Bus Tickets (!!!!). Anyway, my personal favorite post in her blog is this one- Bizarre (about bizarre items found in her house).

A personal to Nux, we know you are still coping with your new company, so hang in there and when you do, come back strong okie?

so here is couple of nudges to help her Nux to kick start her....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I present you, STICKS

Sticks, I wonder why... maybe because he loves drumming, is there such word?? Or perhaps you're as skinny as a stick *envy*?? Hmmm, maybe you can tell us why "sticks", but your url says you're a star in a circle. Does that means you worship the star of David??

Hmmm... Your blog, Mr.Tinesh, is pretty simple, a simple layout for a simple man, I must say, or are you rather fancy? If so, please do show your true self. You like Neil Gaiman, you should be more colorful, now don't hide... *wink*

so the garang (=_=)"

You're very much into football, that's normal, it's pretty much a craze here for guys. I wonder why. Is it because footbalism is a form of machoness?? Does that make guys who are not into football sissy?? Hmm.. It'll take years for me to understand what's so interesting about footballs, I mean it's just a ball, right? *tee-hee-hee* You're quite aware of the political issues in your country. Are you a law student? Just guessing... it's good that you take notice of your surroundings, unlike some people, they just couldn't care less. Probably one day, when you grow up much elder, you'll help to make the world a better place.

You're a musician, that explains your black template. Why is it all musicians like black aye? Is there something significant in that color that makes you extra whimsical in your music?? Please enlighten me. Or does that adds in a little mysteriousness in your being?? *ponders*

You master English pretty well, your posts are easy to understand, you have a number or return readers... an average joe-blogger. Oh, your sexy outfit is your birthday suit, now I'm really curious bout that. Can you elaborate on that? *tee-hee-hee* Is it just a piece?? With a tail perhaps?? LOL.. right, ahemm....... sorry. And oh, you're an art student! Okay, where's your creative side??? Come on, you can do better than this. If you ever need templates, you can always google for "blog templates" and I'm sure there'll be a whole list for you to pick. Or maybe you're just lazy huh... never mind.

Neways, you're a 2 year old blogger, who loves music and politics, and arts, and football, and Leah.... (:P). And yes, those people behind our gomen are buggers. Keep on writing, keep on doing what you love to do, and don't befrienders with Pinksterz too much, she has a corrupted mind, Wukakakakkaka... *runs* And boy, you've been to so many places, lucky you! Lastly, I'll award you 2.5 out of 5 stars for a moderate blog, I hope you don't mind. *wink*

Eiffel Tower, such a beauty!

"The secret to having more readers is, making sure your readers feel comfortable at your zone", evelynholic

p/s: all pics were adapted from Sticks

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Review God Version 2.0

Sneak peak at how the New Review God Blog might look like. It is still under construction. Feel free to go back there time to time for changes will be made from time to time.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Class Skipping Guru

I don’t treat it like a day job and I don’t certainly treat the blog like a test subject , dissect it , analyzed it and try to come up with a logical conclusion and nutshell it. Instead, I am taking these blog and treating them like a bed time story and because I believe every blog tells a story, so here I go by telling you all a story, about a girl who lives in woodland, Singapore. It starts off with her being a student, capturing moments of her life as a teen that is nearing the end of her high school days, a very photo intensive beginning. I can totally relate to her because her school’s vice principle knows her by name and she loves to cut class which were the two things I am famous for when I was in school, and I think both of us are pretty damn proud of it. Hey she even got a guide on What to Do When You Skipped School .

After her exams and while waiting for her results, she moved into the working teen queen phase with an ambition of saving $5000. Often ranting about what a lousy sales person she is and how she loath asking for allowance from her mum; damn girl, I was still taking hand out after I graduated. Very noble indeed but kinda sadden me too when I read this line…” Mum called to ask me to buy my own dinner. I bought potato chips from 7-11. Lousy sale person can't afford real food.” Well, we all have our days don’t we? And this is the phase in her life when she openly admits that she misses school life. I wonder if she ever has any remorse for cutting so much classes during her school time? From here her post revolves around her working life, trying to look good, girly stuffs like pedicures, shopping list, earrings..etc and of an idiotic brown hair computer sales person.

Things got a bit boring in the middle because basically, there was a number of posts which includes the word “SIAN” (boring in Cantonese) in it. And here is where I found out that she is pretty good in making handmade accessories like bracelet, earrings and other stuff. When I say earlier on I wonder if she even regretted cutting classes. I guess I found the answer here[What to Do When You Skipped Schoo part 2], this was after she became a Polytech student.

After which, there was a change of heart on skipping school read this, Taken from Skipping School.
For the first time ever in my life,I got an intense longing for school.Much due to the fact that I did not attend much of it since school started,and skipping school is seriously getting boring(didn't go to school on wed either,ended up sleeping the whole day off).Sa and I pretty much toured the whole of Singapore in previous 'let's skip school together' adventure,going to the KTV isn't light on our wallet too(but it's still a preferred way of spending our day).But in the end,we did not made it to school."

Can I have a Hellelujah, this child is save.!!!!

Then again, she was caught skipping class again, which she openly admitted in her blog. The blog moves on to have more girly stuff like handsbags, shoes, dress, shoe, hand bags, shoe and dress and shoes…more bimbotic post then before (she even admits it). Some reviews of movies, drama, and songs. So guys if you are interesting in this fruity pie, start taking note on what she likes and don’t like. Hey,I don’t have to teach you guys right? Don’t you know a girl’s blog is free info on how to get into her good book. There is one particular post which is worth mentioning where she was nagging her mum which I find hilarious.

In between some of her daily life routine post, you will find some brain crunching question type of post like this one:

Will Malaysia help us if S’pore Sink?
-Give it a read and see some of the answers given by others.

Ugly People
- Her take on ugly guys complaining about ugly girls

Evolna’e Theories Whether Alien Exist
- A Singaporean Girl’s view on aliens….

Is fur really bad?
- her views on PETA

So here comes some good points and some criticism:

First off the list is the lack of creativity on the title of the post, let me just highlight to you on

Haha 2 times
Wahaha 2 times
Blah 2 times
Aiyo 2 times
Ahhhhh 1 time
Hee hee 1 time
Pui 1 time
Opss 1 time
Yay! 1time
Erms 1 time
Untitled 15 times

Sometimes it is a good thing to have inconsistency in your blog, like the way you take your picture, or the way that you write, because it gives more flavor to your blog, but certain things should stay consistent, i.e.: the size of the font. You might now be able to spot it if you are reading it daily , but if you are doing a review like me, the constant change of font size is making my eye like this: @.@

Is this a pre-designed template? If so, great taste in choosing one like this. I kinda like the color scheme, green feel not the Hari Raya Green but the soothing green of green green pasture green which reminds me of my room type of green. It really goes with the title Sentimental Nonsense. The colors are easy on the eyes, except for the tag box which is kinda stand out too much if you ask me. Apart from the advertisement widget, the rest of your widgets are like in a mess. Maybe you should like rearrange them or something. i.e, like trying to centre it and try not to glue all of them together.

Loading time is superb, even on days where my line is shitty. I love a blog with minimum load time, and this will definitely earn you more points. No auto load music or videos which is definitely a Hell yeah for me, because, those auto load things just gets me every fucking time.

And about The First Post and a couple more post in the beginning, all I can say is MY EYESSSSSSSS, come on what were you thinking? Purple font on a Green background, my eye was practically bleeding when I read the first post.

Reading this blog certainly gives you the nostalgic feeling if you have already leave school and college for a long time like me. Damnit, I miss cutting class, eating during lesson, the rush I get every time got spot check and visiting the principal’s office. Anyway, this review was written before Evolna got her Blythe Doll- Tina Tuna. That is why I didn’t mentioned it up there somewhere, but to do Tuna some justice, I think I should at least point you to that direction. This blog reminds me of one thing - that is fun when I was in school and the thing that pops in my mind after reading this is The Smashing Pumpkins’s 1979. So this is what I am going to rate:

Lastly, for Evolna,

Here’s a little something from the Blog God, drawing of you and Pear done by one of our reviewer, Ah Jian who is also a cat and I think he totally digs pear XD…

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

To All Reviewers...



please make sure you give us your current blog link. you think we are so free issit? go to your blog and see the annoucement saying that 'i have move to __________ *insert some link here wtf*

please kindly inform us (and put in our button in your new site also lah) or else we are not going to review it at all.



Hello kekawan semua,

Apa Khabar? Okay cut the crap, I'm lazy to pass messages around from this end to the other end, so i make my life easier by posting up here larh... right, here are some points I want and i hope all of you can ikut sama-sama..

  • Please justify your post, aligned all of them properly so that it looks clean cos, who are we to review people if our own site is like a whole mess.
Itu saja, wukakakaka... if you wanna add anything, just edit my post and add inside. :P Terima kasih dan sekian.

x says: EB SUKA TELUR....pls hide your eggs in facebook. sekian telima gasih!!!

Night In The MoonLight by Willazz

Blog: Night In The MoonLight by Willazz
Warning: This Blog is Rated NC-17 [No one 17 and under Admitted]

Notable Traits
Author: Willazz, Self proclaimed Gangsta
Blog Template: Blue background with big ass one huge banner.
Content: Lots of poems
Labels: Lots of labels. 45 categories as of 25th March.
Blog Links: 22 blogger friends
Total Blog Post: 50

Interesting Stuff:
1) Williazz was very active in blogging during the 3month period of nov2007~jan2007. After Jan2007, he blogs once or twice per week.
2) No one did his Friend Test.

3POINT8's opinion on Night In The MoonLight.
1) This guy loves canon. He is fanatic about it. Makes you wonder if its the size of, nevermind
2) Banner doesn't suit the background colour of the blog. Bright blue with a Black&White Banner?
3) This blog got 2 chatterbox! Wow... Readers get to choose which channel they want to chat in. Hey Willazz, can I chat in channel no.3?
4) Look at his profile. He is a self-proclaimed Gangsta, a REBEL. Oh yea, I feel u man! you are the only gangsta I know who does so many poem post! REBEL, way to go!
5) This blog is rated NC-17. Don't go to his blog if you are below 17. He is a Rebel Gangsta! Mo Gang gonna shoot you down if you don't follow his rules! Male Female, Teen Child Baby, as long as you are under 17, better go down on your knees and beg for mercy when you visit his blog!
6) No one did his friend test. I wonder if he shot down all his friends. I sure hope he doesn't shoot me. I haven't had any punanis yet.

Anyway, if you have the time: check his blog out @

Reviewed by 3POINT8, the Number guy.
[If there anything worth criticizing or worth a praise on NightInTheMoonLight, do leave a comment]
[Help 3POINT8 improve his reviewing style by dropping a comment here]

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Simon Says What????

A very clean and organized blog indeed. Not much of fancy widgets but he is definitely a big fan of the Malaysian tv reality show especially Dream Girls, wukakakaka... anyways, he would be the best person for you to tag along to any food review session, cos he live to eat and 'wash eyes on the lengluis :P'. He has a mass post on food and only food, AND he did a great job to make his readers drool for the food he had photographed, cos I did, tee-hee-hee...

He likes outings too, so if you wanna find a person to support your community gathering and such, you must never forget to invite him, he does such a great job on promoting the after-event, like the current ones Kung Fu Dunk and Nuffie Pajama Party.

Okay to the specific area, template, my friend, live is full of colors, some like it vibrant some like it simple and just simple. Yours, is very simple, plain white and some grey monotones, these colors tells me that you're a very fussy guy wukakakaka, you must have a clean house :P . Ah anyways, it is a little boring for me, maybe because I like vibrant colors which explains why I've a big mess at home *rolls eyes*.

Well, your blog tells me that you're new to blogging so prolly that explains the bloglet in you (if you wanna know wat's bloglet, go google). Wait till you're a year old, well make it six months old, I bet you would start tweaking your own template and finally get to understand what colors mean :P (dang what's with me and colors).

Neways, you made your posts simple enough for your readers to understand, which is a good thing. Some bloggers like making their readers go huffing away to dig out their huge thesaurus to know what that one hundred blardy words meant in that one blardy post. *rolls eyes*

Conclusion, there's nothing much for me to talk about, cause you're new, but keep up the good pictures on food. Keep updating us on what's new in town, from events to hang out spots in Kuala Lumpur and perhaps those from out of town ;). And for this review, I shall reward you 2 and a half scoop of ice-cream out of the five scoops in my freezer, of course, you get to choose what flavor you want. :D

"The secret to having more readers is, making sure your readers feel comfortable at your zone", evelynholic

p/s: all pics were adapted from Simon Says.

Keeping up with SlowCatchUpKuan

Hello, my name is x and I will be your divine reviewer for today. So let me get you all started with this blog called SlowCatchUpKuan, which I assume that Kuan is her name but I am not sure why she name herself as a SlowCatchUpKuan, but one thing slow that I know about this blog is that loading of the first few post in the beginning of this blog, mainly because it is filled with pictures I guess. Well, I am not going to go into the layout details yet but I would very much like to sink my teeth into this blog and find out what it is all about. So let’s get started and come join me as I try to figure out what this blog is basically about.

The blog kicks off with her “From Cambodia with Love” affairs, some account of what she did and where she visited there. This travel log of hers is so detailed that she ever list down what she brought there, and I think that the tips and handy advices for traveling in Cambodia is just simply great. There is about 9 long picture filled post on them. Go check it out if you are planning to go Cambodia anytime soon. Her traveling series is just superb and this girl has got talent. She could very much turn in to a “Hell yeah! I am pro tourist” and write a travelling guide anytime. Somewhere in January 2008, she was off to another trip Hanoi; you can also read about it, just click on her Travel and Living label.

Alright, I guess SlowCatchUpKuan is a pretty open person whom never leaves a shroud of around her, just click on the about me labels on her blog and you will fairly get to know her. Like any blogger, she too likes to blog and rant about everything under the sun. I have seen some bloggers rant and blog about mosquitoes but none did it a series of post, mosquitoes really bug her is what I think. Read it here: 1 2 3 . She also did a series of post on the zoo and if you wanna know what is going on in the zoo this day, our self proclaim Zoo CSI has set up a miniseries broken into four post, go check it out here: one two three four .

She loves to eat and “she is hungry 24/7 and could devour a cow even after eating so much the whole day”, you can find loads of “jalan jalan cari makan” labeled post in her blogs. I guess that is why she has a friend call “AllYouCanEatShung”, but it makes me wonder, why with a name like that, he is still so skinny???

She finally realizing that her blog was turning into a food blog, so she started a new blog call Kuan Food Fetish instead.

Some changes after her food review has been moved to another blog: it has lots more paid post, more rants and some showcases of her photography skills and also here is the part where we found out that she is a dog lover and is surrounded by lovely doggies like Kobe, Cotton and Snow and I am sorry Mug Mug who went missing. This blog once used to be somewhat a food blog but now is pretty much turned into a blog about a city girl’s life in the city, about her dreams and places that she wants to go.

My first impression when I first got in this blog is that this is what I call a “blogging for money” kind of blog. There are a number of adverts and widgets on bloging for money and out of her 269 post, 63 posts are for making money. What I can say is that she is hard working. She has about 30-40 post per month; frankly, if I haven’t met the “really hardcore blogger”, I would have thought SlowCatchUpKuan to be one, but she is still behind the hardcore one’s amount of post, so I guess she is just a semi-hardcore blogger. She has got shit lots of widgets on her side bars which to my surprise didn’t take too long to load. But even so, she tags her widgets and links and arranges them in a very nice and user friendly manner. I gotta give her credit on this because most blog with this much of links and widgets are often messy and all over the place. Overall, sigh….this blog doesn’t make my eyes bleed, so I can’t go shouting “my eyes…” But she likes to change the color of the font of certain lines in the post which is really confusing to new comers while reading her blog; because they are not sure whether it is a hyperlink or just her way to highlight the text.

Overall I think this is a pretty average blog but fill with above average reviews on food and travel logs. This is definitely the blog which I would look for information if would to go the places that she has been to and not to mentioned tips on what to do when your doggie has gone missing.

Emma gonna gif this blog :

4 Cotton stars plus 1 more Mug Mug star for its layout.

7 Kobe stars for its content and useful information.

(Out of 10 doggie stars)

You know, doing this review has gotta me into the traveling fever again, but for the time being, all I can do is just shake my ass to Flea’s bass running in Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Around the World and wait for my turn to go travelling. To SlowCatchUpKuan, Spain is the place which I really wanna go too, and for the record Manhattan is awesome!!!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

i have a bad memory :(

hello everyone! seems like this site is almost dead.


okaylah i admit that is a denial because this site is really dead. seriously where are you reviewers?! *glares* i thought i am supposed to be on "leave" because i have other life commitments to be done at the moment?!

anyway, i am being a wee insomniac tonight so i decided to fire this this girl who wants to make a memory

okay first impression is very, very important and i am very happy with the happy cool-for-the-eyes-color she chose for the blog layout. personally i love person who customized her own blog because it reflects who you are and for that i give you a thumb up for not making my eyes bleed to death :)

been looking at her few recent posts (sorry lah, i really lazy to look into every of your posts because i have other life commitments and you have like super banyak posts since 2005!) but from what i had observe this girl is being real and honest as in she blogs really to make a memory. she is not (yet) sold out if you know what i mean.

her posts are random but it is quite fun to look read at. she blogs about anything she wants from the usual email scams we always get in our spams to her friends to her thoughts and her life experience. it is like reading a normal teenage girl diary.

(but her blog avatar displays the other way around o.o)

however you might want to reconsider your color choice for the links because it is okay on the posts area but i find it a bit hard to read on your sidebar. maybe choose a darker lightblue tone yea? oh and do write a proper post about yourself (not compulsory lah but) because i think it is important since me myself will surely check out the 'about me' section in every blog i visited! your readers surely would love to know you better i bet :)

harmless she may seem from her blog but she can give you this


so er...because of that i give you 1 1/2 milkshakes out of five! wtf this one super random because i also don't know why i feel like giving you milkshakes for ratings so just forgive me lah.

okok i know! MUST BE BECAUSE OF THE SUNDAE! because it somehow makes me think of milk and shaking hence milkshake!

okaylah, i admit i try to act cute like teenage girl. must be affected by your blog. haha!

p.s. acting young is not a sin.
p.p.s. and the same goes to acting cute. tra la la la la~

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ever seen a twisted mind before?

Glad I took up this blog for review.

I finished reading everything in less than a day! XD

Anyway; the main reason I took up this blog “Outlet of a Twisted Mind Kevin Tan” is because he designs? Ah lul.

I told Blog God, “Give me that blog!” because firstly, the blog was kinda below the list, so I have more time and secondly, the self drawn pictures sort of attracted me.

I’m not really that creative in blog titles, heck, my blog title’s is my own name. Lol. But Outlet? Outlet sounds like.. Sounds like.. Oh I get it! Perhaps the blog is a outlet? Like Factory Outlet Store? Whatever is there in his head is poured in there. Brilliant.

The blog header, it’s cool in a way, I like gradients but I don’t really like it. I don’t get the concept. And the transparency or feather doesn’t really work there. It sort of clashes with the posts section. And the banner seemed a bit randomly done, to me, I would keep tweaking the banner until it looks perfect in my eyes. And the banner should be centered, if not, filled up from the sidebar space to the posting space.

My 2 cents. :)

The contents are pretty his daily life and encounters, and there are plenty of pictures as well.
However, I think it would be better to stick to one layout. Like for example, this post’s pictures are all centered, but when you read further, it’s aligned left. It does not look that nice and it’s better to stick to one, either all centered, or all aligned left or right.

I like this post especially the picture of Mawi lol.


Oh oh, and sidebar, try centering everything. :) I think it looks better. Oh and the watermark, it’s in tune with the header, but I think the symbol’s opacity can be tuned down a little more, to bring out your pictures.


Not to mention, his art is pretty amazing. Especially the post with some Kingdom Hearts touch. Okay, I admit, I like everything associated with Kingdom Hearts and cute Jap boys especially TOMOHISA YAMASHITAAAA!

Loading time is fast enough, unlike my blog, and the whole layout is pretty pleasing to the eyes. (Blogger’s template FTW)

Go pay a visit to Kevin Tan’s twisted blog, you’ll be surprised.


Monday, February 18, 2008

Blue Apple : Renovatio

Right, so this will be my first review of the month, or should I say, OF THE YEAR... frankly speaking, I am a nobody to do reviews on people's blog, sudah-lah i can't even handle my own blog, now this adolescence task, tsk tsk...

So let us start up with my first client, a blue apple *rolls eyes*... hmmm, *looks at the whole layout of zis blog and shakes head*, dude... you sooooooooo gotta change your layout, it is very messy, unless you're treating your blog like a pin-up bulletin, well, you're doing a great job! :D If you're not, learn from the template mistress, ahemm...

Well, since you're someone CHEERFUL and BRIGHT (your font mia kaler *faint*) with your colors, prolly you might want to have a lil' touch of RETRO-ISM like this lil' sampler below and maintain a one tone color for your post writings to make it easier for aunties to read:


BTW: You can always learn basic html yourself or ask guidance from your blogger mates, your template mistress here herself learned from scratch and ding-donged her way to a good satisfying template.

;) Next up, your contents, uhmm.... enuff random, boys like girls, shy, bla bla... transformers, some random copy and paste quizzes, tags, bla bla... a typical teenager's lifestyle. I must say, you have a very good command in English, enough simple and understandable, which is good. You've been blogging for quite awhile I see, good, you have that blogging passion in you, welcome to the world of idiots and lifeless geek-tards like me... *adjust glasses*

Pictures, boy, you need to know how to keep the consistency of a one size frame, eg: make sure the sizes are all the same in the same post you're dealing with. How? Use Photoshop or any free online photo editor you can google. Since almost all bloggers are normally FREE all the time to blog, spend sometime to learn some photoshop tutorial tips to make your pictures look better and nice.

Hmmm, that's about it really, over all, blue apple (why blue apple btw?) is just any normal day-2-day blog of a teenager's life, random thoughts and daily events. I think he could gain more readers if he would give his blog a new face lift and some uber cool topics. :D I'll rate this blog a 2.5 over 5 ... ;) a fair rate for a moderate blog.

"The secret to having more readers is, making sure your readers feel comfortable at your zone", evelynholic

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Review of the Chronicles.

Let's start off with a review on This blog whose auther's name is Yannee...

First off, you know there's this old saying "you don't know me, don't judge me" It's very true and it's been one of my principles for decades. but heck since she asked for it when she applied, I'm gonna give it!~ :p

When I first saw the appearance of this blog I was like eh? a baby picture?? hmmmm.... the picture helped me interpret that the authur is like a baby in her own little world well in the top picture it's more like looking up to her own world whaahaha. and best part is her tagline "YOU DON'T HAVE TO JUDGE ME"

Goodness, You applied for us to judge yet you telling us that we don't have to judge you? How cute! Oh well, I'm gonna do it anyways...


She blogs about random stuff that comes and goes in her life which is a good thing. This is her site anyway so it's fair that she could blog about anything she wants. But of course this is my fault where I can't read chinese so IT'S REALLY DIFFICULT FOR ME TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU WRITE WOMAN!

But yea, she's SWEET enough to translate to help me understand the entry and I believe she's really considerate in doing so. There's like millions of people who goes in and out of blogs these days and it's really a good move to have the heart to translate to accomodate people from all over the world. KUDOS ON TRANSLATION!


The layout's rather plain and I personally think there's TOOOOOOOO many widgets to fit in your page. Did you not notice the huge gap below your page?? I think you could either increase the post count display in your page or lesser your widgets. Your page loads up pretty well on my lease line connection but it might be a problem for people who still uses ancient connection speed or even TM NUT broadband...

I like the white background but I'm sorry to say, somehow the green text don't seem to suit the background colour. It makes your text a little dull and it would help if you change it to something else, Blue, Darker Green perhaps or even old school Black.


One thing I personally realized in making your blog full of people, it's the NEED of PICTURES. there's insufficient picture counts in your blog and It'll be much much better if there's more pictures that you personally take and put it in.

But there's one picture that I enjoy though... which is....

Hahaha this is seriously a good one, and of course, my personal favourite!


Full of food variety... in a way it's creative of people(s) wahahaha really cracks me up at time. these people ain't funny, they're hungry!! give them something to eat pls.... =.=


You have good taste for music and I feel that the song you chose kinda fit the mood for people who reads your blog. It's a good thing though as I strongly believe music helps put you in the right ambiance to read something.


Overall I feel this blog is more of something personal rather than commercial So fellas, If you're interested in getting to know this Girl, HOP ON IN TO READ HER BLOG

I shall rate this blog...... *drum rolls* ........



OK OK!!! It's a hard choice ok!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

being short doesn't make you a royalty

the blog i am reviewing is royalshortness by david cheong.

the author david seems to be so free (but not as free as pamsong haha! don't be angry at me ar pamsong, joking joking!), he updates frequently as in 2-3 posts daily. most posts are short and simple.

i love random stuff and i love (really!) being random because it is cute. but seriously i have no idea what this blog is about.

some posts are just too random because after reading it i was still like 'huh?' like this post. and you sometimes (wtf i use so many 'sometimes') mix too many stories in a post and you break them using '*****'. super rojak until miss rojak also feel like a lame rojak liao.

you may want to improve on that. dude, i remind you quantity is counted but make sure of the quality also ok? :D

i realised when you first began to blog, you only wrote in one paragraph unlike today. which is good by the way because reading one paragraph on the whole story is like very tiring.

moving on to the template, he is using one of the ready made layout by blogger. it is okay to use but maybe you can try to give your blog a new look by tweaking the html or search for some xml templates on the net. i have no problem with blogger's layout but something new and fresh will do good for us. i don't like blogs with "too many widgets can die" but i think yours is acceptable since your loading time is quite fast.

another thing is, do make the font a little larger but not until like this large lah. the current one is too small for reading pleasure. by the time i finish reading all your archives my eyes are positively juling.

oh and try to change the banner because it seems to look grainy and doesn't fit the area well too as it is a little bit smaller than the header area. i ain't a good photoshopper myself but the current one is just too childish. note: psst...sometimes i also steal nice nice banners from deviantart and edit the picture a little according to my preference because i suck in photoshopping so you might want to check out there.

overall this blog is okay but still can be improved. highly recommended for hardcore bloggers and people who sits in front of computers 24/7 because you get the updates frequently.

but i friggin' love the tagline: "it pays to be short, royalty just comes with it...!" it just shows your "heck, critic me all you want i am going to accept it like a man, learn from it like a man and not gonna make a big fuss over it because i am a man".

i hope you will take my opinions with the same attitude point blanc's boy (because got few posts featuring the guy!!!!) :D

p.s. do excuse the title because i love making stupid interesting and cool titles liddat.

Friday, February 15, 2008

TinkiTalks By Pamsong

Blog: TinkiTalks by Pamsong
Notable Traits
Author: Pamsong is a hardcore fan of nuffnang and a regular lurker of innit. This is a girl who isn't afriad of speaking her own mind.
Blog Template: Black-themed blog with not many fancy widgets. Fast loading time. Size of the blog is reasonable and its situated in the middle of the computer screen.
Writting style: Primary School readability. That means this blog is easy to read and it doesn't a require a PHD to digest her post.
Content: Most of her post revolves around her life and her personal experience.
Blog Banner: Banner changes according to season. She had a theme for her Birthday, a theme for Christmas, a theme for Chinese New Year and a theme for Valentines Day. [Its always good to see change, especially if its a fancy graphic. Refreshing~~]
Labels: All her post are being labeled nicely which makes it a highly organized blog.

Some Maths:
Avg post per day: 3 posts
Avg comment per post: 2~15 per post (with pamsong dominating 30% of all comments)

Interesting Stuff:
She had 5 post regarding v-day!
[Makes you wonder what is she up to, doesn't it?]

3POINT8's opinion on TinkiTalks
1) Some of her post tend to be cynical. Some are witty. Some are pretty meaningless, unless you find humor in reading meaningless stuff. Sorry Pamsong. I love your sarcastic informal messages, but too bad I don't see those element in your blog.
2) Good thing is 99% of her post are rated E (E for everyone, including small lil babies who couldn't read yet) [I would have categorized her blog as 13PG if she posted a photo on her poop]
3) Pamsong is a hardcore blogger and she doesn't do paid post. [Paid post turns me off]
4) However people who post more than a post in a day freaks me out. That includes Pamsong.

Review based on Jan2008~Feb2008
Anyway, if you have the time: check her blog out @

[If there anything worth criticizing or worth a praise on TinkiTalk, do leave a comment]
[Help 3POINT8 improve his reviewing style by dropping a comment here]

Friday, February 8, 2008

sorry but we've decided to close this site

NOT! haha joking people! joking!

sorry for the lack of urm review! or should i use update here?

everyone including Blog God is busy eating mandarins, gambling and collecting ang paos wtf.

reviews will be up soon. promise! :D


*off to eat more mandarins and pineapple tarts*

p.s. to others, you people can delete this post if you want to once got a new review up!

p.p.s. to others reviewers (also), I WANT ANG PAOS!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Inaugural Review Post

Warning: This Review is Rated R, but not the Blog in review

Since this is the inaugural review post and this is my fucking first time doing, I promise I will be as gentle as a ravenous man trying to fucking deflower virgin. So spread your blogs legs and here we go:

Flux [More Than Meets the Eye]

The tag line sounds like it is being ripped off from a 80s cartoon and I don’t l know why the dislike for nerds, but isn’t that tag line a bit nerdish? I don’t know but maybe I could be wrong.

Fuck yeah, you are damn lucky because I happened to dig red, black and fucking white, so color scheme wise, you have my fucking vote for it. Nothing flashy; just simple; which comes to my fucking conclusion that I hate you because you didn’t make my fucking eyes bleed and I can’t fucking use my favorite line…” MY EYES…….”

Another good thing about your fucking blog is that you don’t have a lot of fucking widgets that fucks up loading time. I simply dislike fucking blogs with shit loads of widgets and also those with comes with noisy virtual pets or 10 fucking thousand auto play song and video playlist that seems to play simultaneously every fucking time you fucking load and they always seem to get you when your fucking speakers are turn on max.

I can’t say very much shit on the design because obviously it is a pre-design template so I would just fucking lay off it. But I wanna say something about the fucking black talk bubble thing. It was a pretty cool at first to look at it, but when I come to the permalink where there are so many fucking red talk bubble and black boxes, I have only one thing to say….” MY EYES….”

You started off pretty slow in post the beginning, but you begin to pick up, but somewhere in the middle I guess you started to get lazy and started posting quiz, tags, lyrics and things like they were rip out from the internet. It got a kinda boring but I cannot help but noticing some great post that you wrote. The ones which you pour out your feelings and thoughts and letting everything out. That is the one that I am looking for man. What fucking makes great posts are the ones with your:

Your thoughts: Taken from the post Thursday

today is thursday, quite a boring day at school..but anyway, i juz realise melissa is alwiz alone nowadays,maybe broke with the boy edi...sumore she's staying in forest green apartment (exactly where i stay)..alwiz alone aso,and like nt happy..well maybe coz kena "touch and go" so many times..i duno”

Hell Yeah, I love the maybe kena “touch and go” line….

Your Honesty:Taken from the post Stupid Mtfking A-holes

“the 3rd place was filled with some local and mainland girls,come guys i kno u kno wat kind a place is that..spend around rm200 bucks there and got cheated for one jug of carlsberg,those local girls are old and matured or we call it MILF,only got 2 young ones from mainland..but still those chicks were like no money no talk,took one cigg box and rm10 and chow to other table..nia one old lady,not that old la..maybe around 35-40 i guess,keep on groping me..since she grope me,then i grope her win situation wat..not nice word saggy bitch.”

Dude, 35-40 year old and the tits might have same level with her knees and you say win-win situation? By the way, did you know when the lights come on in those places; the ages of these girls will be revealed and they will suddenly turn 10 years older. Meaning they are no longer 35-40 year old and you are actually groping a 45 -50 year old. But fucking yeah, I love your honesty.

Your frustration: Taken from the post Exam

“reli cannot tahan,have to teach them a lesson..giv a punch on the face,got specky guy there,sure his idea report to the police..u better bkful dun come near me A-hole or ill shove ur ass with firecrackers..Fuck all of u!!

You don’t have to apologize for swearing, we are human and we sometimes have our days and what better way to shake it off than to fuck it out. Come on this is your blog and if the reader gets offended, ask them to go fucking fly kite la, your way or the highway and I am looking forward for more vulgarities in your blog.

Before we get too friendly and suck each other off, here are a fucking few suggestion:

Firstly the profile picture, is that some sort of a paper cut out smiley with 3 strains of hair and a very bad cut out peace sign? Frankly man, I don’t feel you on this, at first glance your blog sort of gave me the type of tech-blog feel but the picture just goes against it. I am sorry if I just insulted your boyfriend who burned midnight oil just to do that little gift for you but at least drop the yellow and blue frame, okie?

I don’t know about you guys but I am pretty annoyed with the Clocklink thing found on people’s blog, come on this is a blog, people come in here to read our blog not to look at the time. We have watches which gets the job done.

Next comes the fucking widget, shit man… your widgets are all fucking glued together. I bet you if you were George fucking Washington, you wouldn’t wannna have fucking Mybloglog widget growing outta your forehead right?

The blog-o-meter, if it is necessary to have that many, maybe you can arrange in a fucking more appealing way.

lastly, Stop cam-whoring with only your Sarong okie? You are scaring people away.

Overall, if I was to make love to this blog and I have pack of six condoms. I would blow my load into 4 condoms out of the 6

your blog is worth 4 condoms

By the power vested in me, this blog shall be inducted into the Blog God’s Recommended Blog List and I pronounce this blog:

this is not an official review wtf

heck, no way i am giving away our official #1 review to this bummer.

yeah, you are right. he is one of our reviewers. -___-"

instead of finding him and shove a train rocket up his ass, i decided better. why not whack his blog dead instead for submitting his blog for a review? in other word, x, your are our laboratory rat for the day, be proud!!!

remember i said this guy being the non conformist in the About Us page? so instead of having the banner up on the top of the blog he decided to make a vertical one. weird but yes, different from others. what will we see next? a banner at the bottom? spread across the whole blog?!

blog is more of a hybrid, non sticking to any categories. first few posts consist of fucking playlists which i don't even bother reading (i got my own playlists thank you very much) there are few recipes (omg you can cook!) to be tried but reading this (click at your own risk) made me think twice. and recent postings are all about his wild life in japan (why you so gross sometimes?!) and yes, i am sorry about the recent lost of your friend.

anyway, he seems to change the layouts and themes pretty often. maybe he has too much time in his hands i don't know because nothing remains the same in this blog. from psychedelic to the iofthemourning to the macho era (wadafak so damn ghey!) and grosteskes and now mechanical bride: hell flavoured: taste like valentines. however, only one thing remains consistence though throughout all of the posts and it is the vulgarities.

you might want to reconsider the color for your post titles, damn hard to read. fucking need grandma glass ok?! and i don't think there is any point for you to put in the 'guest' widget in the right sidebar seems it will only show one visitor and that would be only me right? and i don't think i want to see my own avatar staring back at me. wtf.

now i am out. you go read him if you want to. highly not recommended for kids, conservatives and those with cardial infarctions.

and no ratings for you. hmph.

By 3point8:
Blog: This guy is just mysterious with his multi-blog linking. may be his main blog, but I'm sure he has more than 1 blog. This clearly proves that he can't keep his focus on one thing for long.
Template: Loading time is freaking fast! I wonder its electricity running in his blog. Dang, This guy is a real god. He keeps all his widget to a minimum, similiar to greek's god way of fashion: the only he thing he wears is a tunic. I wonder if greek gods even wear underwears. Also, I noticed none of his template stays longer more than a month. I wonder if he copied someone's template and changed it before anyone catches him.
Writting Style: Vulgarity is supreme in his blog! It makes you wonder what he does for life. Maybe he spends 23 hours in a trafiic jam everyday. That explains where he gets his inspiration for foul language.
Content: This guy writes about personal stuff revolving his life.
Blogger: Mysterious blogger who conceals his own identity and always ready to expose the identity and personality of his fellow friends.

Chingy reporting in (after getting whacked by the Blog God for not doing anything). Well, it IS CNY after all and I must gather all my energy to get as many angpaos as possible. I will review blogs in a veryyyyy different way (If it's nothing special to you, it is to me! >_<)

He changes his layout often, perhaps TOOOO often. And surprisingly, he changes his themes and titles too, which is good, but sometimes I don't really like teh themes. I don't like certain colors. Ahahahaha.

His writing style is indeed, well, filled with vulgarities but he gets his points across. Sometimes, he does have interesting topics, and one thing I realized, he doesn't leave comments on whenever he have posts that is very personal to him.

Omg I nearly navigate away from this site and teh review will go into teh dustbin

Indeed from what Miss Rojak said, he has a vertical banner, something I would really like to copy adapt as well.

Xniquet by X

Till then, Chingy signing off to serve tea to teh Blog God (Damn, he's fussy)


OKOK Calv to the rescue... Let's see about his blog. hmmm. He is a musician no doubt about that. X should learn to put some of his music up... and I meand FULL song not just a clips of it. You have good stuff going on there with your songs so why hide it? good things must share around no?

For theme wise yea I guess he changes a lot of his theme. It is interesting to change the looks of your blog from time to time but heck if it's too often, we'll all get confused like "Damn is this X's Blog or i mistype some other address..."

Oh yes his contents, He's being himself by expressing whatever it is in his mind. I find it pretty good. In a way, it's his blog therefore he could post whatever he wants and however it is done! There's an old chinese saying that girls digs bad boys but hey this might just be the next big thing eh?! wahahahaha

Cheers bro.


The Bimbo's long awaited take on Xniquet

Bobo thinks that the last thing this darling wants is to be like every one else. He used to put up all those great playlists which he recommends to people when they are doing different stuff. He links them to his blog entry for the day. Which can (occasionally) be incredibly nonsensical yet to the point of funniness at times.

As for his blog layout, he does change them more often than other people do but they are always clear cut and easy to read. But he has this obsession with having multiple blogs. Previously it was the dirty vs clean concept... and now it's a mutual linking of posts in two blogs. One more is coming up as the Bimbo sees. Nonetheless the pictures are well-done and pretty cool. Colours chosen are not an eye-sore for the Bimbo's eyes.

Bobo especially loves all the Woa Woa posts... which of cos appeal to any common Bimbo and more so to the Ultimate Bimbo. No matter what a bad boy this author seems to be he's the ever-loving Daddy to Woa Woa who's really spoilt now.

Beneath the vulgar language, sometimes interesting messages are being sent. Of cos you'd have to read between the lines to know better. The other thing about this blog is that it's constantly under fire for comment spam. haha You know who you are!

*hugs and kisses*

Monday, February 4, 2008

A Letter From Your God

Dear Scum of the internet, whom goes by the name Bloggers,

I welcome you to my kickass divine blog created and powered by the single most powerful person in the universe and yes that means the internet too.

One day I was looking down on Earth and saw all of the evil and sucky blogs that you people have created and also all the bitching about each others’ blog. So I decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. So I called one of my best angels and sent the angel to check it out. When she returned she told Me, the blogs on Earth are 95% is Bad and 5% is good.

Well, I thought for a moment and thought maybe I'd better send down a second angel to get another point of view. So I called another angel and sent him to Earth for another time. When the angel returned reply "Yes, the blogs on Earth is in decline. 95% is bad and 5% is good."

I thought to myself yes it is indeed bad. So I decided to send e-mail to the 5% that were good. I wanted to encourage them, give them a little something to help them keep going.

Do you know what that e-mail said?





Oh, you didn't get one either, huh? Means you are in the 95%. Bummer

But here’s a chance for you to prove the Divine wrong by submitting your blog to us for review. I will not do the review myself because I am a being a God and such; I have my cronies to do my dirty work for me. Selected from the worst and is best at what they do –bitching about blogs. So let them bitch about you and maybe make you cry a little, but who knows maybe you will end up in our Hall of Famers/Lamers and be a overnight hit and thus your days (blog) will be filled with unending traffic flow.

I now give the single most powerful commandment

You shall love the Blog God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and love your blog as yourself and also remember to SUBMIT your blog for review from time to time”

Hell Yeah,
Your Blog God

Submitted Blogs

once you submitted your form, we will add your blog to this list only after you add our button only :D

le waiting list - nux vomica - tinesh - mayjet - Ecl!5oNz - suzzette - abby - esther chin - Adrian Hoo - CY - yung - ANdyStorm - tINg Yeo - Kelvin Kuan - jerilyn tiffany koh - Poh Sze - BobbyT - Joshuatly - ylwong - suresh - joshuaun - Quickening - Jas - Yeong - Hui San - joshuaongys - zhengdhong - Lee Hannah - DiXoN - Julian - Sek Sze Wei - Misha - Andrew - Alson - Marc - Holly Jean Aroozoo - Fauzi Rassull - Bryan Lim - Saleha Bte Abdulah - CONSTANCE - VTay - Karin - Narymama - fcukjournal
- Simon Ho
- leongmutu -winter - faabella - Graphito

substitute blog(s):

what is a substitute blog?
blog(s) that will be reviewed if we got no more blog in the list above :D - pinksterz - cheeChingy - calv - evelynholic