Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ever seen a twisted mind before?

Glad I took up this blog for review.

I finished reading everything in less than a day! XD

Anyway; the main reason I took up this blog “Outlet of a Twisted Mind Kevin Tan” is because he designs? Ah lul.

I told Blog God, “Give me that blog!” because firstly, the blog was kinda below the list, so I have more time and secondly, the self drawn pictures sort of attracted me.

I’m not really that creative in blog titles, heck, my blog title’s is my own name. Lol. But Outlet? Outlet sounds like.. Sounds like.. Oh I get it! Perhaps the blog is a outlet? Like Factory Outlet Store? Whatever is there in his head is poured in there. Brilliant.

The blog header, it’s cool in a way, I like gradients but I don’t really like it. I don’t get the concept. And the transparency or feather doesn’t really work there. It sort of clashes with the posts section. And the banner seemed a bit randomly done, to me, I would keep tweaking the banner until it looks perfect in my eyes. And the banner should be centered, if not, filled up from the sidebar space to the posting space.

My 2 cents. :)

The contents are pretty his daily life and encounters, and there are plenty of pictures as well.
However, I think it would be better to stick to one layout. Like for example, this post’s pictures are all centered, but when you read further, it’s aligned left. It does not look that nice and it’s better to stick to one, either all centered, or all aligned left or right.

I like this post especially the picture of Mawi lol.


Oh oh, and sidebar, try centering everything. :) I think it looks better. Oh and the watermark, it’s in tune with the header, but I think the symbol’s opacity can be tuned down a little more, to bring out your pictures.


Not to mention, his art is pretty amazing. Especially the post with some Kingdom Hearts touch. Okay, I admit, I like everything associated with Kingdom Hearts and cute Jap boys especially TOMOHISA YAMASHITAAAA!

Loading time is fast enough, unlike my blog, and the whole layout is pretty pleasing to the eyes. (Blogger’s template FTW)

Go pay a visit to Kevin Tan’s twisted blog, you’ll be surprised.