Dear Scum of the internet, whom goes by the name Bloggers,
I welcome you to my kickass divine blog created and powered by the single most powerful person in the universe and yes that means the internet too.
One day I was looking down on Earth and saw all of the evil and sucky blogs that you people have created and also all the bitching about each others’ blog. So I decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out. So I called one of my best angels and sent the angel to check it out. When she returned she told Me, the blogs on Earth are 95% is Bad and 5% is good.
Well, I thought for a moment and thought maybe I'd better send down a second angel to get another point of view. So I called another angel and sent him to Earth for another time. When the angel returned reply "Yes, the blogs on Earth is in decline. 95% is bad and 5% is good."
Do you know what that e-mail said?
Oh, you didn't get one either, huh? Means you are in the 95%. Bummer
But here’s a chance for you to prove the Divine wrong by submitting your blog to us for review. I will not do the review myself because I am a being a God and such; I have my cronies to do my dirty work for me. Selected from the worst and is best at what they do –bitching about blogs. So let them bitch about you and maybe make you cry a little, but who knows maybe you will end up in our Hall of Famers/Lamers and be a overnight hit and thus your days (blog) will be filled with unending traffic flow.
I now give the single most powerful commandment
“You shall love the Blog God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and love your blog as yourself and also remember to SUBMIT your blog for review from time to time”
Hell Yeah,
Your Blog God